EmpowerHER: Building a New Life with Confidence and Purpose

Are you an immigrant woman looking to overcome challenges, restore your mental wellness, and embark on a journey towards building a new life?

We understand the unique struggles you may face, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. Join us for a transformative 5-week coaching program designed to help you rediscover your strength, regain focus after hardships, and take confident steps towards your dreams in a safe and nurturing space.


We are delighted to introduce you to

"EmpowerHER: Building a New Life with Confidence and Purpose"

a comprehensive 5-week program designed specifically to empower immigrant women in their pursuit of overcoming challenges, restoring mental wellness, and building new lives filled with purpose and achievement.

Hand-drawn Woman Examining Test Results

"EmpowerHER" has been thoughtfully crafted to guide participants through a holistic journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Program Details

Facilitator: Zeinab Hefny, a certified Freedom Leader Facilitator and transformational coach.

Duration: 5 weeks, with 3-hour sessions each week.

Group Size: A small, supportive group of 7-8 women.

Approach: We'll use Freedom Formula tools and engaging personal development games to enhance your experience.

Program Overview

Week 1: Discovering Dominant Emotions:

This week, we will dive deep into understanding your emotions and identifying the dominant ones that might be holding you back. Through guided exercises, you'll gain clarity on your emotional landscape and how it affects your daily life.

Session 1 (3 hours):

  • Introduction to the program and facilitator Zeinab Hefny's background.
  • Icebreaker activities to create a comfortable atmosphere within the group.
  • Explanation of the importance of emotions and their impact on personal growth.
  • Guided exercises to help participants identify and understand their dominant emotions.
  • Discussions about the connections between emotions and physical symptoms.

Week 2 & 3: Cleaning Perspectives and Emotions:

In these weeks, we'll work together to release the negative emotions and perspectives that have been weighing you down. Using the Freedom Formula tools and personal development games, you'll learn techniques to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a new sense of empowerment.

Session 2 (3 hours):

  • Recap of Week 1 and sharing of insights from the previous session.
  • Introduction to the concept of perspective and how it affects emotions.
  • Techniques to challenge and shift negative perspectives.
  • Interactive activities to help participants release emotional baggage and limiting beliefs.
  • Sharing of personal experiences and group discussions to foster a supportive environment.

Session 3 (3 hours):

  • Recap of Week 2 and sharing of progress from the previous week.
  • Deeper exploration of specific emotional triggers and patterns.
  • Introduction to Freedom Formula tools and their application in emotional healing.
  • Guided exercises to further cleanse and release emotional blockages.
  • Group discussions to share breakthroughs and insights.

Week 4: Creating the Desirable Version of Yourself:

Now that you've cleansed your emotional palette, it's time to envision and create the best version of yourself. We'll help you set clear goals, develop an optimistic outlook, and create an action plan to move forward confidently.

Session 4 (3 hours):

  • Recap of Weeks 2 and 3, focusing on participants' emotional transformation journey.
  • Introduction to envisioning the ideal self and setting meaningful goals.
  • Techniques to cultivate optimism and motivation for personal growth.
  • Guided visualization exercises to help participants create a positive self-image.
  • Interactive activities to encourage participants to take proactive steps toward their goals.

Week 5: Integrating and Applying the Learning:

In our final session, we'll reflect on the journey you've taken over the past weeks. You'll learn how to integrate your newfound knowledge and skills into your daily life. This session will equip you with the tools to face challenges with resilience and lead a more fulfilling life.

Session 5 (3 hours):

  • Recap of the entire program and sharing of highlights from each week.
  • Discussion on the significance of the emotional journey and its impact on well-being.
  • Strategies for integrating the newfound knowledge and skills into daily life.
  • Personal development games to reinforce key concepts and skills learned.
  • Action planning: Each participant outlines how they will apply the program's teachings moving forward.
  • Closing remarks, testimonials, and future support options.

Join us in this empowering journey towards self-discovery, growth, and a brighter future. Let's overcome challenges, restore mental wellness, and create the life you've always dreamed of.

For inquiries and registration, please contact Zeinab Hefny at zeinabhefny5@gmail.com

Svensk sammanfattning

"EmpowerHER" är ett livsförändrande 5-veckors coachingprogram speciellt anpassat för invandrarkvinnor som vill övervinna utmaningar, återställa sitt mentala välbefinnande och bygga nya liv fyllda med mening. Leds av den erfarne transformationscoachen Zeinab Hefny, erbjuder detta program en kraftfull kombination av emotionell helande, personlig tillväxt och egenmakt.


Vecka 1: Utforska dominerande känslor och sätt upp personliga mål

Upptäck dina dominerande känslor, förstå deras inverkan och koppla dem till fysiska förnimmelser. Förtydliga dina personliga ambitioner och sätt upp meningsfulla mål.

Vecka 2 och 3: Shift Perspectives and Embrace Empowerment

Utmana negativa perspektiv, släpp känslomässigt bagage och omfamna ett tankesätt av bemyndigande. Få verktyg för att navigera i svårigheter och bygga motståndskraft.

Vecka 4: Odla den bästa versionen av dig själv

Föreställ dig ditt ideala jag och lägg grunden för personlig tillväxt. Utveckla optimism, motivation och ta proaktiva steg mot dina mål.

Vecka 5: Integrera lärande och upprätthålla transformation

Lär dig hur du tillämpar dina nyvunna kunskaper och färdigheter i ditt dagliga liv. Förstärk nyckelbegrepp genom interaktiva aktiviteter och utveckla en handlingsplan för fortsatt tillväxt.


Facilitator: Zeinab Hefny, certifierad frihetsledare-facilitator och transformationscoach.

Varaktighet: 5 veckor, med 3-timmarspass varje vecka.

Gruppstorlek: En stödjande gemenskap av invandrarkvinnor, som främjar ömsesidig tillväxt och egenmakt.

Tillvägagångssätt: Använder personliga coachningstekniker, verktyg för emotionell helande och personliga utvecklingsspel.

Följ med oss i "EmpowerHER" för att övervinna utmaningar, återställa välbefinnande och skapa ett levande nytt liv. Upplev en transformativ resa som ger dig möjlighet att övervinna hinder och omfamna en framtid fylld av syfte och uppfyllelse.

För förfrågningar och registrering, kontakta Zeinab Hefny på zeinabhefny5@gmail.com